HANDGUN II: The semi-automatic
Prerequisite: HANDGUN I or permission of instructor
Lead Instructor/Chief Range Safety Officer: John P Michaels
Additional Instructor/Range Safety Officer: Laura Michaels
Cost: $150 with FREE repeats
Maximum Class Size: 16
$20 rebate for purchasing both Handgun I and Handgun II at the same time
Morning is "classroom" including hands-on work using dummy ammunition
Gun Safety—foremost and always!
Handgun knowledge—the semi-automatic
Ammunition for the semi-automatic
Gripping the semi-automatic correctly
Loading magazines
Loading the semi-automatic (from holster) and racking slide properly
Holstering correctly and safely
Presentation (draw stroke) from holster
Changing magazines (reloading) the semi-automatic (5 types of mag changes)
Reholstering correctly and safely
Clearing stoppages and malfunctions (4 ways to clear 3 types of malfunctions)
Afternoon is range live fire:
Trigger control and reset
Checking for any additional threats
Shooting single and multiple targets
Introduction to "Move and Shoot"
Informal "competition" emphasizing accuracy
You will need:
Reliable semi-auto, with at least 3 magazines--more if single stack magazines
Belt or "paddle" holster (Blackhawk "Serpa" and similar holsters prohibited!)
Sturdy belt--preferably 1 1/2" wide
Double magazine pouch or two single magazine pouches
150 rounds reliable ammunition
Eye protection and Ear protection (muff type is best)
Weather appropriate clothing
Cap, sunscreen, and insect repellant depending on weather and season
We have put some recommendations of the above items in our recommendations page in "The Vault" under "Resources"
If you don't yet have a pistol and gear, just borrow ours for free
It is unfortunate, but there is a lot of variability in reliability among semi-automatic handguns. Glock is the "gold standard" in reliability, with the Smith and Wesson M&P line, Sig, and Springfield XD models also having excellent reliability reputations. Recommendations: Glock or Smith and Wesson M&P.
For holsters, Safariland offerings are particularly good: ALS #6378, GLS models, and #5198 are all excellent choices and reasonably priced.
For magazine pouches, the Safariland model 71 (single pouch) accommodates almost all magazines, and, again, very reasonably priced.
Approximately 8 hours
Prerequisite: HANDGUN I or permission from the instructor
Background checks will be done on all registrants.